Hollywood Paws cat Ichi in costume as Mr. Dingleberry
Hollywood Paws Studio Trainer and Hollywood Paws students with their cats (from left) Ichi, Cocoa, and Missy taking a break while on the televion pilot set
Hollywood Paws cat Ichi being placed into his cat sized apartment to start filming
Hollywood Paws cat Missy peaking out from a window in her cat sized apartment - notice the troll dolls as decorations! I guess if cats were interior decorators it only makes sense they would use troll dolls!
Hollywood Paw cat Ichi chilling out on his cat sized couch in his cat sized aparment
For more information about this production or any other Hollywood Paws productions (with dogs, cats, and even exotic animals) feel free to visit the Hollywood Paws website at http://www.hollywoodpaws.com/ or call us at 888-781-7827 or email to info@hollywoodpaws.com