The average human has about 10-12 pints of blood running through their body - that's a lot of blood. We are pretty sure that you won't miss just one of those pints if you donate it to the Los Angeles Center Studio's blood drive! If you are interested in joining some of Hollywood Paws' students (the human ones - not the 4-legged ones) and Hollywood Paws' staff in donating here are the details:
Where: Hollywood Paws headquarters at the Los Angeles Center Studios
Specifics: The ground floor of the studio's tower in the "Courtroom Set"
Date: Thursday, September 17th
Time: 9:00am - 2:00pm
How: Call Hollywood Paws at 888-781-7827 and we can help schedule your appoinment to donate!Bonus: Each doner will receive a gift certificate to In-N-Out Burgers or AMC Movie Theaters!